
Welcome to Steve Cohn’s website - a unique mix of policy, politics and literature.

Environmental Lawyer > City Councilman > Citizen/Advocate > Writer

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Eighty-four years after Sinclair Lewis’s prescient best seller It Can’t Happen Here shocked America, The Blue Sky Rebellion envisions how Americans respond after it does happen here. From debut novelist Steve Cohn comes the compelling story of ordinary citizens who lead an extraordinary revolution to stop America’s slide into fascism and save the planet from the ravages of climate change.

Set in the near future, America is facing its worst existential crisis since the Civil War, a house divided into warring nations: blue and red states, urban and rural communities, nativists and immigrants, and science believers and deniers. Into thi…

Set in the near future, America is facing its worst existential crisis since the Civil War, a house divided into warring nations: blue and red states, urban and rural communities, nativists and immigrants, and science believers and deniers. Into this whirlwind, a billionaire oil tycoon hell-bent on expanding his power and family fortune at any cost conspires with foreign powers to hijack our democracy and transform the Republic into an autocracy. Starting in Northern California, a grassroots “Blue Sky” resistance movement spreads like wildfire to fight his unconstitutional assaults on freedom and reimagine the American dream under a new social compact harmonizing individual liberty and the public good. The nation finds inspiration in an unlikely young hero who journeys through the heart of America seeking his identity and discovering his destiny in time to help a reeling nation recommit to certain truths it once declared self-evident. THE BLUE SKY REBELLION is available in paperback from Amazon for $14.95 (25% off the regular price of $19.95) and in electronic format from Kindle for $7.99 (free for Kindle Unlimited subscribers).

Just in time for the 2020 election season, The Blue Sky Rebellion paints a cautionary tale. The president depicted in the novel, President Bridge, bears a striking resemblance to the current occupant of the White House. As the novel progresses, we see President Bridge wage the same attacks on immigrants and Muslims, not to mention on the environment, behavioral norms and common decency. When President Bridge steps over the line that he, like his doppelganger, has stretched so far, it seems only natural and entirely believable. And, frankly, it scares the hell out of the reader. The author of the novel, a longtime city councilmember in Sacramento, brings a wealth of political knowledge to this harrowing tale. Read it and try not to panic as the march toward totalitarianism feels achingly real.
— Tim Schooley, author of the forthcoming novel "THE WOOL TRANSLATOR," winner of 2019 University of Pacific Jameson Award for Best Unpublished Novel

Steve Cohn's First Book "CITIZEN COHN"

also has a Five-Star Rating on Amazon

I didn’t know Steve before reading this book, recommended to me by a friend. Steve writes with an energy and a novelist’s eye for detail. He makes the reader feel part of the major political issues in California and Sacramento in the latter 1900s and early 2000s.
— Darya Elie, Amazon review, November 17, 2016